These innovative new metal Energy Tags have been designed and programmed
with a new advanced technology!
They do not need to be close to the body as the energy will extend about three feet.
The Energy Tag does not need to be used 24/7, use as needed.
For those who use a cell phone, or computer the metal Energy Tags are a good choice, as they cannot be corrupted.
The Energy Tag does not get depleted with use, and will hold the programmed energy forever. Your whole family can benefit from one Tag!
Please – choose one of the remedies below per Card ~
Allergy Relief
The Tag is Designed to Alleviate the Body’s Reaction to Common Allergens
Seasonal Allergies * Pollen Hay Fever * Animal Epithelia Cats & Dogs * Mold *
House Dust * Fungus *Metal * Foods including Wheat * Rye * Gluten * Lactose * Homeopathic Food Allergy Remedy * Contact Dermatitis * Dermatitis Atopic * Asthma (Allergic Reaction) * Synthetic Material *Atopic syndrome *Anaphylaxis * Acquired hypersensitivity.
The Metal Energy Tags can hold many more specific frequencies than the Patches and cannot be corrupted, and will hold the energy forever. The energy it contains may be shared with others. The body will only take in what it needs so anyone close to the Tag may benefit if their body resonates with, and needs the frequency it contains, if not their body will ignore it!
The Energy Tags may be attached to inner or outer clothing worn around the neck or placed in a pocket; they may be attached to belt loops. They can be placed on a nearby desk or side table.For food allergies they can also be placed under the food or drink.
This Tag is programmed with important Anti-Aging Energy Frequencies.
This Tag contains the specific energetics that help a person feel alive and more energetic. People seem to become more physically active, they look and feel younger. This program contains the Universal Healing Frequencies and Universal Sub-Harmonic frequencies.
Contains ~
Anti-Age face and Skin * Clear Skin * Epithelial Cells * Epidermis * Muscle Tissue Nerve Supply * Anti-Inflammation * Circulation & Plaque * Glutathione * GH-3 * Anti-Oxidants * Anti-Stress * Mental Alertness * Serotonin * Temporal Lobes (Hearing) * Synovial Fluid * Vitamin C * D * Ubiquinol * Vitality (Mental) * Love * Joy * Inner Peace
The energetics of the original injectable GH-3 formula created by Dr. Ana Aslan has just been added to complement this program.
Dr. Ana Aslan was a Romanian biologist and physician; in 1952 she founded the Geriatric Institute of Bucharest. This institute was the first of its kind in the world and was recognized by the World Health Organization. Dr. Aslan’s GH-3 became noted as an anti-aging therapy because of its revitalizing factors. The clinic attracted many wealthy celebrities and world leaders who flew there for anti-aging therapy.
One of the biggest factors in aging is a build up of MAO (monoamine oxidase enzyme). This enzyme tends to start building up in the body after age 45. Too much accumulation can lead to tiredness and depression. When the energetics normalize the levels of the MAO enzyme in the body we have a much better youthful out look on life ~
ATP Plus
Adenosine triphosphate, or ATP for short, is the energy currency of life.
ATP is responsible for supplying this energy to our cells.
Cells are the building blocks of life. They come in many different shapes and sizes. Each cell has a specific function to help the organism to perform tasks necessary for survival. For instance, nerve cells are needed to communicate messages to our brains. They also allow us to think. Another example is the cells that make up our various muscles. All cells perform specific tasks, and all cells need energy to perform these tasks.
ATP is responsible for supplying this energy to our cells.
26 ATP Chromosomes * ATP Basic Energetics * Structured Water frequencies *Ubiquinol (an antioxidant to support the body’s energy production).
The water inside the cells is absolutely critical for health. If an organ has a pathological condition it’s not only the proteins inside that organ that are not working, but also the water inside that organ. That water needs to be organized/ and structured. Much of the water in a healthy human body is in a liquid crystalline/structured state. Many components of the body are also considered to be liquid crystals, including collagen and cell membranes.
These tissues work cooperatively with structured water to create an informational network that reaches to every cell. The liquid organization of the human body accounts for the instantaneous transfer of signals and other biological information.
Healthy DNA is surrounded by structured water. This water is responsible for the DNA’s stability. Structured water is also responsible for supporting the electromagnetic field surrounding DNA.
As water loses its structure (because of age and disease), the integrity of the DNA is often compromised. Youthful DNA, surrounded by crystalline/structured water, has a much stronger electromagnetic field than DNA from older individuals.
When water molecules become organized to create a coherent liquid matrix, an energy “field” comes into existence around the water which can be photographed and measured. This showed up on photographs taken by the Institute for Human Science (connected to the University of Irvine, CA) during research on AEP patches. When drops of water were placed on programmed AEP patches a light which emitted photons (information) appeared around the drops of water.
You can also hold the Tag next to a glass of water for just a few seconds and you will be able to sip the structured water ~
Digestion Gluten Celiac
The Digestive Gluten Celiac Tag is Designed to Aid in the Digestive Process.
The digestive system is the largest system in the body and involves many organs, and the process of digestion has many stages. Each part of the digestive system is subject to a wide range of disorders. With this metal Energy Tag we have tried to add frequencies that will aid in the digestion of food, including the energetics of bacteria that are friendly to the system.
Contains ~
Acid Reflux * Bifidobacteria * Dyspepsia * Crohn’s Disease *Indigestion * Gastric problems Gluten intolerance * Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease * Celiac disease * Crohns Disease *Allergies such as: Wheat * Rye * Lactose Intolerance * Lactobacilli * Lactobacillus
This Energy Tag contains all the frequencies in the Patch plus many more.
These Tags are complementary to the patches so both can be used at the same time, but do not mix more than three different types of THERAPY at the same time. It is better to prioritize. It is preferable to use one Tag at a time depending on the therapy, but you can alternate different Tags throughout the day or at night.
The Tags can hold many more specific frequencies than the Patches. The energy it contains may be shared with others as it extends about three feet. The body will only take in what it needs, so anyone close to the Tag may benefit if their body resonates with, and needs the frequency it contains, if not their body will ignore it!
The Tags may be attached to inner or outer clothing worn around the neck or placed in a pocket; they may be attached to belt loops. They can be placed on a table can also be placed under the food or drink plate. Your whole family can benefit from one Tag! It can be placed under the food plate or under the dishes.
The Energy cannot be depleted or corrupted
When researched and tested this card was taped under a round wooden dining table and the energy was measurable three feet above the table! This means a whole family can benefit at one time! The energy can also transfer through glass but other materials were not tested. These Tags will be invaluable when you eat at restaurants, place under the food plate for a few seconds.
Be careful not to leave it behind when you leave!
Hair Follicle Stimulation
Will Encourage Hair Growth by Stimulating the Hair Follicles, use continually to prevent a dying off of the new hair.
There are many causes for hair loss, this new metal Energy Tag covers a broad range of causes, from alopecia to pathological. The most important purpose of this Tag is to stimulate the hair follicle. Hair grows very slowly so this Energy Tag may need to be worn for many months before seeing any improvement, and it may have to be worn forever to keep the follicle alive – but I have had very encouraging feedback from those testing it for me and luckily the Tag will hold the energy forever!
Contains ~
Hair follicle frequencies * ATP Chromosomes * Homeopathic Loss of Hair Remedies Alopecia Androgenetica Remedy * Melatonin * Ubiquinol * Hair Cortex * Hair Medulla *Hair Follicle * Henle’s Layer * Keratin * Biotin * Melanocortin receptor
Most people think that massaging the scalp is helpful, unfortunately running the fingers through the hair close to the scalp can break off the baby hair starting to grow. The better way to encourage hair growth is to place all your fingers on the scalp and move the scalp around in small circles to encourage blood flow.
Many herbs and stimulants have been added to the Hair Stimulation Tag, but I believe the most important addition is ATP Plus. If you think your hair loss is connected to a chronic illness the ATP Energy Tag could be a useful addition to your overall health and will also strengthen the ATP in the Hair Stimulation Tag. You could use both together.
The Hair Follicle Stimulation Tag will work best when used continually to prevent a dying off of the new hair.
I believe it needs to be a forever product as the hair follicle could die off without permanent stimulation.
There are many causes for hair loss, balding, alopecia, etc. this new Energy Tag covers a broad range of causes, from alopecia to hair mites. The most important purpose of this Tag is to stimulate the hair follicle, and it contains the follicle stem cell frequencies.
Hair grows very slowly so this Tag may need to be worn for many months before seeing any improvement, but I have had very encouraging feedback from those testing it for me! The Patches and Tags are compatible so both can be used at the same time. You will see quicker results if you concentrate on no more than three different types of THERAPY at the same time; it is better to prioritize.
I advise starting off using only one at a time, but you can alternate different Tags throughout the day or at night until you feel that your body can handle more. The Energy Tag may be attached to inner or outer clothing worn around the neck or placed in a pocket; they may be attached to belt loops.
The Tag energy will radiate out about three feet so they can be placed on a nearby desk or side table and also be placed under a bed pillow.
Health Support
To maintain and support a healthy life. Health Support supports all other products and is a good basic patch to maintain health.
These Energy Tags have been programmed with a new advanced technology, and have expanded health benefits the rejuvenation frequencies boost any other AEP products being worn. This Energy Tag also provides important health support for those with chronic conditions.
Contains ~
Health Support * Anti Inflammation * Immune Support * Circulation & Plaque * GH-3 * Glutathione * Magnesium * Vitamin C * Ginko Biloba * Folic Acid * Omega 3 *
Selenium * Magnesium L-Threonate * Ubiquinol * Inner Contentment * B12 *
Energizing Remedy (Homeopathic) * Vitality (Homeopathic) * Confidence
One of the biggest factors in aging is a buildup of MAO (monoamine oxidase enzyme) The GH-3 helps to normalize the levels of MAO. This enzyme tends to start building up in the body after age 45. Too much accumulation can lead to tiredness and depression. When the energetics of the GH-3 normalizes the levels of the MAO enzyme in the body we have a better youthful outlook on life.
Doctors and Practitioners have observed quick turnaround in their patients with long term illnesses.They have seen very weak patients regain their strength and vitality. This Energy Tag is a good basic product ~
The Patches and Energy Tags work well together and both can be used at the same time, but we still do not advise mixing more than three different types of THERAPY at the same time. It is better to prioritize.
These Energy Tags can be worn round the neck, or on a pant loop, they can be placed under a bed pillow at night. The energy will extend about three feet – so the Tag energy may be shared with others! The body will only take in what it needs so anyone close to the Tag may benefit, if their body resonates with and needs the frequency it contains – if not their body will ignore it!
The metal Tag cannot be corrupted by other electronic products, and the programmed energy will last forever.
Lyme Regimen (Updated)
Lyme Disease is caused by a number of different strains and species of Borrelia bacteria.
In the United States the strain is usually Borrelia burgdorferi.
In Europe the strain is Borrelia afzelii and Borrelia garinii.
The new Medical Energy Tags cannot be corrupted and will hold the energy forever. They have been designed and programmed with a new advanced technology. They can be worn around the neck or attached to a belt loop.
The Lyme Regimen Metal Tag contains these strains.Many people are misdiagnosed as having Lyme Disease, but are actually infected by the Babesia microti, a microscopic malaria-like parasite (also called a piroplasm), that infects red blood cells.
Contains ~
Borrelia Burgdorfer * Borrelia afzelii * Borrelia garinii * Babesia microti * Mycoplasma * Biofilm Bartonella bacilliformis * Borrelia Hermsii * Coxiella burnetii * DermacentorEncephalitis Flaviviridae * Erlichia * Rickettsia* Tick Fever.
The Lyme Regimen Metal Tag contains these strains.Many people are misdiagnosed as having Lyme Disease, but are actually infected by the Babesia microti, a microscopic malaria-like parasite (also called a piroplasm), that infects red blood cells.
New reports state that up to 40% of patients with Lyme disease experienced concurrent Babesia Microti, which makes it very difficult for a Doctor to diagnose, as the symptoms are very similar to Lyme Disease, but the treatment is very different.Scientists believe Babesia microti is the most common piroplasm infecting humans. Babesia microti has been added to the Lyme Regimen products so that the body can utilize it if needed.
Babesia Microti can increase the severity and duration of Lyme disease. Co-infected patients are more likely to have experienced fatigue, headache, sweats, chills, anorexia, emotional lability, nausea, conjunctivitis, and splenomegaly (enlargement of the spleen) more frequently than those with Lyme disease alone.
Babesia patients can remain symptomatic for years with constitutional, musculoskeletal, or neurological symptoms. One-third of patients with a history of both Babesia microti and Lyme disease remained symptomatic an average of 8 years or more.
We also have a Lyme Pet Tag, it can be very serious if a dog gets infected. It is not very common in cats.All content is for informational purpose only.

This product combines Ancient Wisdom with the latest advances in Memory Therapy!
You will see quicker improvement if you concentrate on no more than three different types of therapy at the same time; it is better to prioritize. For better results it may be preferable to use one Energy Tag at a time at first, but you can alternate different Energy Tags throughout the day or at night.
Aids in ~
Long term memories * Improve Short Term Memory * Confidence * Motivation * Ashvagandha * Bacopa Monieri * Ginko Biloba * Pennywort * Rosemary * Sage * Serotonin * Concentration * Mental Clarity* Mental Alertness * Brain Fog Relief * Focus * Calculation * Stimulate Area of Association.The Energy Tags may be attached to inner or outer clothing, worn around the neck, placed in a pocket or attached to belt loops. They can be placed on a desk or side table or placed under a pillow at night.The Tag energy may be shared with others, as the Tag does not lose its energy! The body will only take in what it needs so anyone close to the Tag may benefit if their body resonates with, and needs the frequency it contains, if not their body will ignore it!
Oral Bacteria & Biofilm
This Energy Tag contains the energy frequencies to protect against most oral bacteria.
These innovative metal Energy Tags have been designed and programmed with a new advanced technology! The Energy Tag does not get depleted with use, or corrupted by cell phones or other electronic equipment. The energy will extend about three feet and will last forever.
The oral cavity appears as an open ecosystem, with a dynamic balance between the entrance of microorganisms, colonization modalities, and host defenses aimed to their removal. To avoid elimination, bacteria needs to adhere to either hard dental surfaces or epithelial surfaces.
Actinomyces israelii * Bifidobacterium * Enterococcus faecalis * Lactobacillus Acidophilus Lactobacilli * Pseudomonas * Pseudomonas Aeruginosa * Staphylococci General * Staphylococcus Mutans * Streptococus Pneumoniae * Streptococcus Salivarius
Streptococuccus Viridans * Streptococcus alpha haemolytic *
Staphylococuccus Aureus * Streptococcus Sanguis
Oral bacteria evolved to form biofilms on hard tooth surfaces and on soft epithelial tissues, which often contain multiple bacterial species. In a crown or root canal the sealant can shrink after a few years, and become a safe habitat for bacteria where antibiotics cannot not reach.
The Oral Bacteria & Biofilm Medallion should be worn 24/7 if you have any root canals, crowns or implants.
Once the bacteria have been eliminated it should be worn, on a regular basis as a preventative.
Patches can be worn with the Energy Tags both can be used at the same time, but still do not mix more than three different types of THERAPY at the same time. It is better to prioritize. It may be preferable to use one Energy Tag at a time at first depending on the therapy, but you can alternate different Energy tags throughout the day or use at night under your pillow..
The oral cavity appears as an open ecosystem, with a dynamic balance between the entrance of microorganisms, colonization modalities, and host defenses aimed to their removal. To avoid elimination, bacteria needs to adhere to either hard dental surfaces or epithelial surfaces. Oral bacteria evolved to form biofilms on hard tooth surfaces and on soft epithelial tissues, which often contain multiple bacterial species. In a crown or root canal the sealant can shrink after a few years, and become a safe habitat for bacteria where antibiotics cannot not reach.
Research confirms that our mouths can become home to approximately 280 bacterial species in the oral cavity that have been isolated in culture and formally named – more bacteria than in any other area of the body! It is believed that there could be thousands and they can spread throughout the body and cause many diseases. Your mouth can also be a host to oral candidiasis. If you care about your health please read the website below – you will be shocked, and wonder why we have not been educated about this.
For a full understanding you will find information at:
I have already found that Staphylococcus Aureus can cause Rheumatoid Arthritis by invading joints; where anti-biotics cannot reach. The bacteria can also cause damage to hip and knee replacements.This Medallion starts by eliminating the bacteria, and providing relief very quickly.
Dentists who understand about the dangers to our health from all of these bacteria are called Biologic Dentists and belong to
The Energy Tags may be attached to inner or outer clothing, worn around the neck, or placed in a pocket; they may be attached to belt loops. They can also be placed on a nearby desk or side table, and placed under your bed pillow.
All content is for informational and educational purposes only. Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Any product or content contained herein are not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.
Pain TENS Relief
TENS: (Transcutaneous Electrical Neural Stimulation)
TENS frequencies relieve nerve related pain conditions (acute and chronic) by sending stimulating signals along the energetic pathways, which interrupt the pain signals as they travel to the brain. TENS frequencies also help stimulate the body to produce higher levels of its own “Endorphins”- natural painkillers.
The Energy Tag can be worn around the neck or attached to pant loops.
The chains are also programmed. The energy cannot be corrupted, and will last forever.
We all have little headaches and aches and pains from time to time. The AEP Energy Tag is programmed to create a higher level of comfort at the time of pain.
Contains ~
Headaches * Trauma * Acute Injury * Migraines * Muscle pain * Nerve Pain
Back Pain * Arthritis * Joint Pain * Tendonitis * Fibromyalgia * Bursitis
Sciatica * Neuralgia * Biofilm * Relaxation etc.
Please be aware that Pain is a warning from the body, if you do not know the cause of the pain be sure to seek medical advice. Do not immediately start doing things that the pain stopped you from doing. For instance – if an arm or leg has been damaged start by using it slowly for short periods of time – give the body time to gradually get used to being used again!
Whether it is a car accident or surgical procedures, both are an emotional and physical trauma. This metal AEP Energy Tag can be used with the Master Restoration or Health Plus Patch for faster relief.
The Pain-Tens Relief Tag has been programmed with TENS frequencies and biofilm dissolving frequencies. TENS frequencies relieve nerve related pain conditions by sending signals along the energetic pathways, this stimulates the body to produce higher levels of its own “endorphins” which are natural pain killers.
Biofilm dissolving frequencies are also an important addition to this AEP Energy Tag. Where there is chronic pain there is usually inflammation which encourages the formation of Biofilm which is a layer of bacteria and other organisms that live together in a jelly like film. This film protects them from antibiotics, ultraviolet light and other “predators” which makes them hard to kill.
When we see a person with inflammation and/or a diseased organ, we almost always find the formation of biofilms. We have found that Biofilms can reduce the circulatory delivery system by as much as 85%. Biofilms can form around the red blood vessels and restrict the amount of oxygen, nutrition, and even important hormones to be delivered to the body. This increases the amount of inflammation in the tissues of the body. The Biofilm frequencies in the Pain TENS Energy Tag will certainly help, but in chronic conditions that are resisting healing one month on the Biofilm + TENS Patch may be the answer.
Stress Tension Anxiety
Designed to Increase Coping Skills for Every Day – Stress – Anxiety- and Worry, Increases Feelings of Joy – Calmness – Confidence
These new Medical Energy Tags have been designed and programmed with a new advanced technology!
This Energy Tag contains~
Anxiety Relief and Restorative frequencies ~
Anxiety. * Worry * Shock (physical & mental) * Stress formula * Depression *
GH-3 * Pressure Stress * Nervous Agitation (Homeopathic) * Brain Fog *
Serotonin * Theta Wave *Alpha Wave *Inner Peace * Kava-Kava *
Chamomile *and more.
These Energy Tags cab be worn round the neck or on a pant loop the energy will extend about three feet use as needed.
The metal Tag cannot be corrupted by other electronic products, and the programmed energy will last forever.
The metal Energy Tags and Patches work well together and both can be used at the same time, but we still do not advise using more than three different types of therapy at the same time. It is better to prioritize. It is preferable to use one Tag at a time, but you can alternate different Tags throughout the day or at night, you can even place it under your bed pillow!
The Energy Tags can hold many more specific frequencies than the Patches and the energy will extend about three feet, so the energy it contains may be shared with others. As the body will only take in what it needs anyone close to the Tag may benefit if their body resonates with, and needs the frequency it contains, if not their body will ignore it!
Sheila’s Tips: We live in a very stressful world and this and this Medical Energy Tag is great to keep on hand for those times when we feel overwhelmed with worry and anxiety. Just use as and when needed!
Vision Clarity
To aid with focus and clarity of the eyes ~
This metal Energy Tag is programmed with the energetics that are in the Advanced Eye Focus Patch and the Vision & Clarity Patch, plus extra ~
Vision Clarity Tag Contains ~
Cataracts * Eye Strain left & Right * Eyesight (homeopathic) * Eye Bright (homeopathic)
Gingko Biloba * Ascorbic Acid * Folic Acid B12 * Selenium * Cornea Focus * Lutein * Corneal Epithelium * Omega 3 * Intraocular pressure * Ascorbic Acid
Eye Pressure * Beta-Carotene * Eye Disease Remedy (Homeopathic)
The Patches are complementary to the Tags so both can be used at the same time. You will see quicker results if you concentrate on no more than three different types of THERAPY at the one time; it is better to prioritize. It is preferable to use one Energy Tag at a time depending on the therapy, but you can alternate different Tags throughout the day or at night.
The metal Energy Tags can hold many more specific frequencies than the Patches.
The energy radiates out about three feet and may be may be shared with others. The body will only take in what it needs so anyone close to the Tag may benefit if their body resonates with, and needs the frequency it contains, if not their body will ignore it!
The metal Tags cannot be corrupted and will hold the programmed energy forever.
The Tags may be attached to inner or outer clothing worn around the neck, placed in a pocket, or attached to belt loops. They can be placed on a nearby desk or side table, and placed under a bed pillow at night.
Weight Loss Support Combination
Contains all of the Weight Loss Support Patches in one Energy Tag!
The Energy Tags have been designed and programmed with a new advanced technology! They do not need to be close to the body as the energy will extend about three feet. The metal Energy Tag does not get corrupted by cell phones or other electronic equipment and the energy will last forever.
This Energy Tag is intended to be an Aid to a Diet Plan and Weight Loss Program. It Reduces Appetite, Bloating, and Encourages Physical Activities.
It Detoxifies the Organs. It Contains Five Different Fat Burners and Increases Healthy Lymphatic Function to Remove Fat.
Contains ~
Weight Loss Support * Weight Off (homeopathic) * Cellulite * Anti- Craving
Leptin Receptor * Obesity Remedy * Anti-Inflammation * GH-3
Will Power * Motivation * Procrastination * Serotonin
Ubiquinol * Love of Self * Inner Peace, and more.
You will see quicker results if you concentrate on no more than three different types of therapy at the same time, it is better to prioritize. We aim to do a multi-faceted approach to weight management.
If you really want to lose weight you need to reduce caloric input and increase physical activity.
Every successful weight loss program involves that. This Energy Tag will help you to reach your ideal weight, stay healthy and maintain that weight.
The Energy Tags can be worn around the neck or attached to belt loops. They can be placed under food for a few seconds and under your pillow at night to transfer the energy. It is preferable to not use more than one Energy Tag at a time but you can alternate them throughout the day.
The Energy Tags have been designed and programmed with a new advanced technology! They do not need to be close to the body as the energy will extend about three feet. The metal Energy Tag does not get corrupted by cell phones or other electronic equipment and the energy will last forever.
The Energy Tags can hold many more specific frequencies than the Patches, and the energy will reach 2/3 feet so the energy it contains may be shared with others. The body will only take in what it needs so anyone close to the Tag energy may benefit if their body resonates with, and needs the frequency it contains, if not their body will ignore it!
The Energy Tag may be attached to inner or outer clothing worn around the neck, placed in a pocket or attached to belt loops. They can also be placed under food, under a pillow or even attached to your favorite chair, it just needs to be within three feet of the body!
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All content is for informational and educational purposes only. Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.Any content or products contained herein are not
intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease