Bio-Energy Enhancer Disks

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The New AEP Bio-Energy Enhancer Disks are 1.1/4″ inch diameter

and are Specifically Manufactured and Designed
to Radiate the Programmed Energy OUT as a Protection for the Body.

These Disks cannot be corrupted and the programmed energy will last forever.
Available in a choice of three colors. – The chain is also Programmed.


The body is surrounded by fields of energy which radiate out and are referred to as the Aura. When a person is sick the body’s energy gets depleted, and the body then draws in the energy it needs from the Aura – which then depletes the fields of energy that support and protect the body.

We are living in a very toxic environment from radiation, to the spraying of pesticides to the GMO food we eat, to say nothing of stress – it goes on, and on.  A large Aura radiating out supplies the body with energy and also prevents the toxic energy we live in from being absorbed by the body.

The Bio Energy Enhancer Disk contains all the Chakra energies, which feed the Aura, and enhances all the bio-energy fields specially the important etheric field.  Brain wave frequencies have also been added to protect the brain plus healing energy to enhance the bio-energy.

The Bio-Energy Enhancer Disk will be especially beneficial to anyone with depleted energy or an overworked immune system. I have realized for a long time that more and more people are suffering from diseases and syndromes, and many people are chronically sick, even our children. That is when I understood just how important this disk could be to these people.

Application: Wear the Bio-Energy Enhancer Disk on the supplied chain which has also been programmed.  Wear it whenever you need energy, or you are using a cell phone, computer, or are near electronic equipment for any length of time.  You may also place it in a breast pocket or attach to underclothing, ladies could attach it to a bra strap.  The disk needs to be within an inch of the body to be sure it is within the etheric field.


The Bio-Energy Enhancer Disk will be especially beneficial to anyone with
depleted energy or an overworked immune system

The Bio-Energy Enhancer Disk and the Toxic Energy Disk will work together
to protect the body!